Sharing Economy and EconTalks

A great source of inspiration in my thinking this past year has been the podcast EconTalk with Russ Roberts. This week Russ spoke with the Political Economist Michael Munger about his new book “Tomorrow 3.0: Transaction Costs and the Sharing Economy” and, more generally, the sharing economy. Their discussion raised... [Read More]

William Vickrey and Urban Economics

Vickrey published “The City as a Firm” in the proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association in 1977. The significance of this work is its early development of concepts of New Economic Geography. Vickrey identifies the importance of transportation costs and economies of scale as model inputs.... [Read More]

William Vickrey and Transportation Economics

William Vickrey made major contributions to a wide range of fields within the economics discipline and was recognized for his work with 1996 Nobel Prize in Economic Science. Many of his contributions fall within my interests of Urban and Transportation Economics, so I thought it worthwhile to review a few... [Read More]